Who is eligible to apply for a volunteering visa and residence permit?
If you are a non-EU national between 25 and 35 years old and you have the authorization to participate in a volunteering programme in Italy, this Visa allows you to enter Italy for a period no longer than one year.
Main requirements to apply for a volunteering visa
In order to submit your application, you need:
- an agreement with a no-profit organization such as:
- ecclesiastical bodies recognised by the Italian Law or other religious groups with registered agreement with the Ministry of Interior;
- NGO recognised by Italian law;
- a non-profit association included in the Charity Sector Public Registry (so-called “Registro Unico del Terzo Settore”).
- Health insurance signed by the volunteering organisation or by its legal representative, that covers (a) expenses related to medical services for accidents uccured while performing volunteering activities and (b) civil liability towards third parties and accidents.
- Declaration of full responsibility, signed by the volunteering organisation or its legal representative, stating the expenses related to the volunteer’s accommodation and travel (round trip) will be covered by the volunteering association.
Main Procedural Steps
- Applying for and collecting the ‘Nulla Osta’ (a preliminary Certificate of no Impediment issued by the competent Immigration Desk);
- Filing the visa application at the Italian Consulate of the applicant’s place of residency;
- Entering in Italy and application for the residence permit at the Police headquarter within 8 days (in case of a national visa issued to reside in Italy for longer than 3 months per semester);
- Registration of the applicant’s Fingerprints at the Police headquarter (in case of a national visa issued to reside in Italy for longer than 3 months per semester);
- Issuance of the residence permit (in case of a national visa issued to reside in Italy for longer than 3 months per semester).
Validity of the Volunteering residence permit
The visa will allow the third-country national to stay in Italy for the duration of the volunteering program.
If the visa has a duration exceeding 90 days, the third country national will have to apply for a residence permit within the first 8 days of stay in Italy. The residence permit is issued for the duration of the volunteer programme and normally for a period not exceeding 1 year.
The residence permit is neither renewable nor convertible into another type of residence permit.
Time Frame
The expected time frame to obtain the volunteering visa is approximately 2 months from the visa application. Once the applicant obtains the visa, they can travel to Italy and reside there legally.
If you’re interested in volunteering in Italy, our immigration services can assist you in obtaining a volunteering visa. To get started, simply contact us today and we’ll guide you through the process.
Do the eligibility visa test and find out which type of visa you might be eligible for. One of our legal consultants will get back to you within 24 hours with useful information regarding your case.