Who is eligible to apply for family reunification?
The family reunification procedure is specifically conceived for a foreign national who would like to reunite with their non-EU family members that already legally reside in Italy.
For the purpose of family reunification, the following family members are considered eligible:
- Spouse or partner of a same-sex registered union, aged at least 18 years old, as long as the non-EU citizen already residing in Italy is not married also to someone else already residing in Italy;
- Minor children, also those of the spouse or those born out of wedlock;
- Dependent adult children, who cannot provide for their indispensable living needs due to their state of health causing total disability;
- Dependent parents, as long as they do not have any other son in their country of origin. It is also required that the dependent parent is not married to a spouse who is regularly residing in Italy, who is himself or herself married also to someone else residing in Italy;
- Parents over sixty-five, as long as no other son or daughter can support them in their country of origin for proven and serious health problems. It is also required that the parent is not married to a spouse who is regularly residing in Italy, who is himself or herself married also to someone else residing in Italy;
- Parent of the minor already legally residing in Italy;
- First-degree direct ascendants of an unaccompanied minor having refugee status.
Main requirements to apply for family reunification visa
- The person already residing in Italy (the applicant) should have a valid residence permit with a minimum validity of 1 year;
- The applicant should have suitable accommodation in Italy, satisfying hygienic and sanitary requirements;
- The applicant must prove that he/she receives a minimum annual gross income not below 11.000 euros from lawful sources (for the first family member), increased to 3,500 euros for any additional family member. Both cohabiting spouses’ income are relevant to meet the legal requirements;
- If the family member is over 65, private health insurance or enrolment in the national health system is requested.
Main Procedural Steps
- Preparation of the necessary documents required for family reunification in Italy;
- Application for the security clearance (so-called ‘nulla osta’) at the competent Police headquarter;
- Application for the family reunification visa at the designated Italian Consulate abroad (Italy Family Visa);
- Entry in Italy and application, within 8 days, for the residence permit as a family member.
- Registration of the family member’s fingerprints at the Police headquarter and submission of the original documentation;
- Issuance of the residence permit.
Validity of the residence permit for family members
The residence permit for family members has the same duration as the residence permit held by the person towards whom the cohesion is requested.
The residence permit is renewable under the same substantive conditions for the 1st issuance, as long as the foreign national never leaves the Italian territory for longer than 6 continuous months.
The applicant can renew the residence permit on their own or be assisted by us.
After five years with a residence permit, one can obtain a permanent residence permit (also known as a long-term permit), provided that, by the time of the application, they register as a civil and tax resident in Italy and demonstrate knowledge of the Italian language at level A2 (the second level out of six).
Time Frame
The expected time frame for obtaining the Visa for family reunification, which will allow the family member to enter Italy, is between 1 to 3 months from the Visa application.
For further reading, see also: