Who can apply for a Re-Entry Visa?

The Re-entry visa is specifically conceived for foreign nationals whose Italian residence permit has expired, or who hold a valid residence permit, but who accidentally find themselves without these documents and intend to re-enter Italy.

Main requirements to apply for a Re-entry Visa

The re-entry Visa is granted in favour of foreign nationals whose,
a) residence permit has expired within the previous 60 days from the Re-entry Visa application, and the residence permit renewal has been requested before its expiry;
However, one can also apply for a re-entry Visa within 180 days from the expiry of the residence permit in the event of proven serious health reasons for the applicant, his first-degree relatives or their spouse;
b) residence permit has expired within the previous 60 days from the Re-entry Visa application and its renewal has not been requested in time;
c) residence permit has expired (even earlier than 60 days from the Visa application) and its renewal has been requested in time, provided that the foreign national has left the Italian territory to fulfil his military obligations in their country of origin;
d) residence permit was lost or stolen.

Main Procedural Steps

1. Applying for and collecting the ‘Nulla Osta’, the Certificate of No Impediment issued by the competent Police Headquarter in Italy (applicable only to re-entry visa applications falling under the cases b), c) and d) listed in the previous paragraph);
2. Filing the visa application at the Italian Consulate of the applicant’s place of temporary domicile abroad;
3. Entry in Italy and application for the residence permit at the Police Headquarter, when applicable (this is not applicable to re-entry visa applications falling under the cases a) and c) listed in the previous paragraph);
4. Registration of the applicant’s fingerprints at the Police headquarter.
5. Issuance of the residence permit.

Validity of the Re-entry Visa

This type of visa allows the foreign national to only re-enter Italy. Once in Italy the foreign national has to wait for the renewal or should apply for the renewal of the previous residence permit; and they should still meet/demonstrate the legal requirements to renew their permit.

Time Frame

The expected time frame to obtain the Re-entry visa is around 1 or 2 months from the date of the application.

Re-entry visa for Italy fees

The re-entry visa for Italy is a national visa and, like all national visas, has a cost of 116 euros, to be paid in the currency of the country of origin.

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